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Jacinto City Elementary Clinic Page

Nurse Terrones

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Welcome!            ¡Bienvenidos!

My name is Silvia Terrones and I am the campus nurse for Jacinto City Elementary. In the clinic, we provide a temporary care facility for children who become ill or injured at school.  While we will not call parents for every visit made to the clinic, there are times I will need to contact you.  In order for this to be possible, please keep your contact information up to date.  If your child has a medical problem or condition, please give me a call (832-386-4607) to make sure I am aware of it. Please review my website for important information.  We are excited to serve you and your families this year!

Mi nombre es Silvia Terrones y soy la enfermera de la escuela primaria Jacinto City. En la clínica, proporcionamos un centro de atención temporal para los niños que se enferman o se lesionan en la escuela. No llamaremos a los padres por cada visita que se realice a la clínica, pero en ocasiones tendré que comunicarme con usted. Para que esto sea posible, mantenga actualizada su información de contacto. Si su hijo/a tiene un problema o condición médica, por favor llámeme al (832-386-4607) para asegurarse de que estoy al tanto. Por favor revise mi sitio web para obtener información importante. ¡Estamos emocionados de poder servirles a ustedes y sus familias este año!

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Follow the CDC for the most up to date information. 


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If your child needs to take daily or as needed medication at school here is what you need to bring when dropping off the medicine:

  • The medication in the original box with the pharmacy label (check expiration dates.)

  • Forms signed by your doctor and parent: Please click on the links under FORMS.​

  • Remember, for the safety of all children at school, students may NOT carry any medicine (even cough drops) with them while on school grounds. Medication CANNOT be brought to school by your child, a parent is required for dropping off any kind of medicine.

  • IT IS IMPORTANT to notify the nurse if your child has any allergies or other medical changes that arise during the school year.  

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Important Forms

Asthma Action Plan

Confidential Information Consent

Food Allergy Action Plan

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Medication Parent Authorization Form

Medication Physician's Form

Physical Education Restriction Form

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Plan of Care Form

Request for Dietary Accommodations English Form

Request for Dietary Accommodations Spanish Form

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Seizure Action Plan

Severe Allergy (non-food) Emergency Action Plan

Campus Wellness Plan 

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A student must be fully immunized or must present a certificate or statement siting that for medical reasons or reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, the student will not be immunized. No student may be enrolled in any school in Galena Park ISD unless he/she has been immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis; measles, mumps, and rubella; polio; hepatitis A; hepatitis B; varicella (chicken pox); and meningococcal disease (based on age). Please see our district handbook for detailed information.

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To ensure the health and safety of all students, any students who exhibits vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever >100.0 F must be excluded from school.  Students may return to school as follows:

  • Free of fever (<100.0F) for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin).

  • Food and liquids have been tolerated for at least 24 hours without vomiting and/or diarrhea, and without the use of medication to relieve symptoms.

  • Students diagnosed with a contagious illness that is being treated with prescription medication, must complete a minimum of 24 hours of the prescribed medication dosage prior to returning to school.

Please contact me if your child has been diagnosed with a contagious condition such as strep throat, chickenpox, pink eye, impetigo, ringworm, flu, or has vomiting and/or diarrhea.

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 If they have been injured or has had any surgery recently and must refrain from strenuous physical activity, it is the parent's responsibility to send a note to school to excuse the child from PE and/or recess. Please have form filled out by a physician and turned in to the school nurse. 

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Change of Clothes

Please pack an extra set of clothing, including underwear and socks, in a plastic bag for your child in their backpack. It is comforting to have your own clothes in case of an accident. 
Also, please note that flat, closed-toe shoes with Velcro or lace up are much safer than sandals and flip flops and help to prevent injuries.

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It is a good habit to check your children regularly for lice. Encourage your child not to share combs, brushes, hair decorations or hats. Per G.P.I.S.D. handbook, students with live lice or signs of active infestation will be excluded from school.  Students who have been sent home should receive prompt treatment for lice and expected to return to school the following day, free of live organisms. If head lice are found, the hair must be treated before the child returns to school on the following day. Upon return to school, the student and parent/guardian must report directly to the school nurse, provide information about the treatment utilized and have the student’s hair checked before reporting to class. Chronic cases and instances of non-treatment will result in unexcused absences.

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Healthy Eating

Please encourage your child to start each day with a healthy breakfast. Look at the lunch menu with your child and encourage healthy choices. In response to the increase in the number of children diagnosed with food allergies, students may not share food at school. Parents please take consideration when packing lunch for student that other students in the class or grade may have certain food allergies. Common food allergies are nuts (peanuts-including peanut butter, almonds pecans, etc.), seafood (shrimp, crawfish, fish), egg (including ingredients containing eggs such as baked goods like cake/cupcakes and cookies), soy (such as soy milk or soy sauce), and milk.

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Adequate Sleep

Adequate sleep contributes to a student’s overall health and well-being. Children who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk for many health issues. The CDC recommends children from 6–12 years get 9 to 12 hours per 24 hours. Please click link for more information. 

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Physical Activity

Daily physical activity can help children build strong bones and muscles, control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduce the risk of developing health issues. Please click link for more information.

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Hand Washing

 Hand washing is an easy and effective way to help prevent the spread illnesses. Soap and water are recommended for use after using restroom, before and after eating, after sneezing or coughing, and after touching and animal or any garbage. Hand washing tips from CDC: Please  click link for more information

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Jacinto City Elementary
Wellness Plan

Wellness Plan

Jacinto City Elementary


Federal Public Law (PL 108.265 Section 204) states that by the first day of the 2006 school year beginning after June 30, 2006 all school must develop a local wellness policy that involves parents, students, a representative from the School Food Authority, school board, school administrators and the public.  The Local Education Authority (LEA) will establish a plan for measuring implementation of the local wellness policy.

Mission Statement:

Galena Park I.S.D. shall prepare, adopt, and implement a comprehensive plan to encourage healthy eating and physical activity in order to prepare students to become healthy productive citizens and lifelong learners. 

Nutrition Education

  • Nutrition information given to parents and faculty during PTA meetings

  • Teachers will be encouraged to integrate nutrition education across the curriculum during Healthy Texas Week.

  • Staff will encourage students to bring healthy snacks and to participate in physical activity and will not use food and physical activity as reward or punishment

  • Nutrition education will be encouraged in the cafeteria and in the classroom through a variety of activities (ex. Posters, videos, games, and adult encouragement). Healthy food choices in the cafeteria. Lunch menus will be sent home with students monthly with healthy tips on the back of the menu.

  • Give parents and students information on fun activities and ideas to help them move more.

Physical Education

  • Physical Education teachers and classroom teachers will continue to monitor student wellness and promote health awareness and activity time during recess and class time.

  • Students and faculty will be encouraged to walk, or do some type of physical activity everyday after school for 20 minutes.

  • Physical Education will be administered to all K-5 grades with a minimum of 150 minutes per week.

Other School Related Activities

  • PTA will incorporate ideas of healthy families into their agenda

  • Parent Involvement Nights with students and parents and teachers interacting

Nutrition Standards

  • The school will offer breakfast and lunch and when applicable participate in the after school snack program. Students and staff are highly encouraged to promote and participate in these programs.

  • The staff will promote hand washing and encourage safe eating practices, such as no sharing of food or drink

  • Review lunch menu with students daily and discuss health benefits. 

  • Classroom celebrations are limited to 2 per year.

Plan de Salud

Escuela Primaria Jacinto City​

Las leyes públicas federales (PL 108.265) establecan que todos los distritos escolares deben diseñar un plan de salud que involucre a los padres, estudiantes, un representante de la autoridad de alimentos de la escuela, el Buró escolar, los administradores de la escuela y el público. La Autoridad de Educación Local (LEA) establecerá un plan para medir la implementación de la política de salud local.

Enunciado de la Misión:

Galena Park I.S.D. implementa un plan de salud exhaustivo que motive a comer saludablemente y a tener actividad física con el objetivo de reducer la obesidad infantile y preparar a los estudiantes a convertirse en ciudadanos saludables, productivos y deseosos de aprender toda su vida.

Educación Nutricional

  • La información nutricional es proveida a los maestros durante la junta de padres y familia (PTA)

  • Maestras (os) apoyarán e incluirán la educación nutricional en sus clases durante ca semana de salud de Texas.

  • El personal animará a los estudiantes a traer comida saludable y a participar en alguna actividad física y no usar la comida o actividad fisica como recompensa o castigo.

  • Opciones de alimentos saludables en la cafeteria y una variedad de actividades para animar a los estudiantes (posters juegos y apoyo de los adultos). Los menús para el lunch serán envíados mensualmente con los estudiantes con consejos saludables en la parte de otrás de la hoya.

  • Dar información a los padres y estudiantes sobre actividades divertidas al igual que apoyarlos con ideas que les ayude a moverse más.

Educación Física

  • Los maestros de Educación física y maestros de las clases continuarán monitoriando el bienestar de los estudiantes y promover la salud, teniendo tiemp de actividad durante la interrupcion.

  • Los estudiantes y maestras (os) animarán a los demás a caminar o hacer algún tipo de actividad física cada dia después de la escuela, por lo menos 20 minutos.

  • La educación fìsica ser administrada a todos los niños(a) de Kinder and 5to grado.por un minimo de 150 minutos a la semana.

Otras Actividades Relacionades con la Escuela

  • PTA incorporará  ideas acerca de familias saludables en su agenda.

  • Noche para Padres-En donde podrán interactuar Padres maestros y estudiantes

Reglas de Nutrición

  • La escuela ofrecerá desayunos gratis a todos los estudiantes. Y cuando sea aplicable participará en el progama “After school snack.” Estudiantes y maestras (os) están animados a promover y participar en estos programas.

  • Nuestra facultad sera modelo comiendo saludable y teniendo una conducta apropiada en la cafeteria.

  • Nuestro personal fomentará el lavarse las manos y apoyará la práctica de comida segura, así como el de no compartir la comida y la bebida.

  • La escuela diariamente repasara el menu de comida con los estudiantes y discutira los beneficios de Buena salud.

  • Las celebraciones en él salon de clases están limitadas a 2 por año

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Hoping for a Safe, Happy, and HEALTHY year for everyone. 

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